EYFS Teacher
We are looking to appoint an outstanding Early Years Foundation Stage teacher to join one of our partnership schools in April or September 2016. We want teachers with a passion for Early Years who are keen to be innovative and make a difference.
You will need to have the following skills and attributes:
• high expectations for all children’s learning and outstanding teaching;
• an understanding of how young children learn;
• strong interpersonal skills;
• experience of using ICT to support teaching and learning; and
• a clear vision of how to raise standards, work as part of a team and be proactive in contributing to the distinct ethos of the school which embraces grace, love and fellowship.
Salary: In line with national pay scales, dependent on experience and qualifications
We are also looking for senior leaders to join our growing leadership team. If you are interested in being considered for a TLR post please indicate clearly in your application along with evidencing your experience, skills and knowledge to us.
The School aims to provide outstanding teaching and learning, allowing each child to flourish.
The School offers an enhanced curriculum with specialisms in Project Based Learning as well as maintaining a strong focus on Maths and literacy.
The School enables children to thrive, enriches the lives of local families and enhances community life. In developing a school, that blends traditional and innovative approaches to learning.
For further information contact Uniform Education or apply by sending your CV and personal statement.