Are you an expectant mother? CENTRAL LONDON £25-£125 Per Hr
My client is a global leader in professional healthcare products and solutions. We are looking for candidates to come along for an ultrasound. You will need to be able to get to a location in Vauxhall, London. If you are selected to be an ultrasound model you will receive compensation for your time.
The purpose of the program is to collect ultrasound images for my client’s product development and education materials. Please note Sonographers will not make any diagnosis.
What is the model scanning program?
Ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging test that uses sound waves to make pictures of the body without using ionizing radiation (x-rays). My client designs and markets a wide portfolio of ultrasound solutions that are commercially available.
We are seeking the following:
Endovaginal ultrasound models
Pregnant woman to undergo an endovaginal ultrasound scan
The scan session is very private and the room is set up like an exam room at a doctor’s office. The ultrasound model is completely covered during the entire exam. If you have any questions regarding these procedures, a staff member can provide you with further details during appointment scheduling.
Pregnant (OB) ultrasound models
Women of different gestational ages, between 6 and 36 weeks. Participants must provide a note of permission from their doctor prior to the scan session.
There are no restrictions for this exam. Ultrasound scan models may eat and drink normally. My client will provide models with an ultrasound keepsake photo on a USB stick to take away.
How will I be compensated?
If you are selected for participation, you will receive compensation for your time. On average, you as a model will be required for around an hour and a half. The compensation schedule depends on the type of scan, the rates are between the range of £25.00-£125.00 per model, per session.
What happens during the scanning procedure?
The rooms are set up similar to an exam room at a doctor’s office and are very private. The scan involves applying a water-based gel on your skin surface and gliding an ultrasound transducer (wand-like device) across the skin surface to obtain an image.
There are typically two people in the room during the scan session (one sonographer and one engineer both female). The sonographer is clinically certified to operate the medical equipment. The engineer will be in the room to gather feedback from the sonographer to aid in improving image quality.
You will be given an informed consent document and asked to sign it prior to the scan session. Scan sessions generally last 1-2 hours.
What are the potential risks and discomforts?
There are no significant side effects associated with an ultrasound exam. You may experience boredom during the duration of the scan. Because the motion of breathing decreases the quality of the images, you may be asked to hold your breath for brief moments during the ultrasound. Also, you may be uncomfortable lying still on the imaging bed during the scan.
The ultrasound scanners operate with the same FDA approved controls and guidelines as commercially available equipment. There are no known significant side effects associated with using this equipment.
If you have further questions, you will have ample opportunity to ask the sonographer prior to, during and after the scan.
How will my private medical information be protected?
The only information my client will have is what you choose to share with us. We will not ask your doctor for any information or for your medical records. All images remain de-identified. We will never personally identify the images collected during your appointment(s).
What if you find something wrong during the scan?
These scans are non-diagnostic, however if the sonographer identifies any incidental findings that raise concerns, he/she will notify you and recommend that you follow up with your doctor.
Will the information be shared with my doctor?
No medical information will be shared directly between my client and your doctor. You are the only one to share medical and personal information, either with your doctor or with my client, at your own discretion.
These sessions will run throughout February and you may have the opportunity to be used for multiple sessions.
If you are interested in participating then please apply and we will contact you in due course should you be successful. Please forward this advert to anyone you know who may be suitable.
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