Thursday, January 28, 2016

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Consultant: External review on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Background of the assignment

Approximately 80% of Plan International’s 51 Country Offices support programme initiatives on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and SRHR/life skills training, both in schools and in communities. For example, Plan UK has supported several relevant initiatives as part of our DFID PPA-funded programme to ensure adolescent girls’ access to a quality basic education. In 2015, Plan UK commissioned qualitative research assessing the links between CSE and violence against girls and women:…

Plan Country Offices use a range of different guidance and curricula to implement these initiatives, sometimes using unproven programme models. Plan UK and Plan International promote access to CSE for all children, adolescents and youth, in both formal (schools) and informal settings, that is non-discriminatory, non-judgemental, rights-based, and gender transformative. However, Plan does not have global guidance or recommended programme models in this area. Plan is dedicated to expanding its work in CSE, and to continually improving the quality of our work. Plan’s approach to CSE must apply our commitments to girls’ rights, gender transformation and tackling exclusion, and to Child-Centred Community Development (CCCD)[1].

Overall aim of assignment: To document and analyse global guidance, best practice, and evidence on CSE and provide recommendations for how Plan should work in this area.

Qualifications/special skills/knowledge

· Experience of research and literature reviews

· Strong planning and report writing skills

· Significant global experience on comprehensive sexuality education in formal and non-formal settings

· Knowledge and understanding of the Global SRHR sector

· Previous experience carrying out mapping analysis exercises and advising on programme guidance and development

· Experience working for large (I)NGOs/institutions on rights-based programming and policy approach

· Experience in facilitating meetings and workshops

· Consultative approach

Result of the services

The work would be carried out by a consultant, in close collaboration with the Plan UK Adolescent SRHR Advisor, other relevant Plan UK staff, and with support from core members of Plan International’s SRHR Global Reference Group.

Key activities to be conducted by the consultant will include:

· Review and analysis of Plan UK and Plan International documents: SRHR Impact Area Overview, CCCD, gender and tackling exclusion frameworks, education strategy and other key relevant documents

· Analysis of global CSE guidance from UN organisations and selected international organisations and skype interviews with key external contacts

· Review and analysis of global programme models and existing evidence on what works in CSE in formal and non-formal settings

· Key stakeholder interviews with relevant Plan International staff to understand CSE experience, CCCD, and gender and inclusive approaches

· Facilitate a virtual roundtable feedback discussion with key staff across Plan International on programme guidance for CSE, with logistical support provided by Plan UK

· Data analysis, report writing and recommendations

· Production of final report.

Specific research questions:

· What are the most common guidance documents used for CSE globally? What is acknowledged as best practice and why? What gaps/challenges can be identified with existing guidance?

· Who is targeted by existing CSE guidance, and how would they fit within Plan’s programme work and standards?

· Who are the main actors targeted by CSE initiatives (for example, children of different ages, formal education sector, community leaders, youth clubs etc)?

· What is known/documented regarding the most critical barriers to advancing CSE at the level of key actors?

· What are most effective strategies known to influence and support these actors to deliver CSE?

Research questions will be refined in consultation with the appointed consultant.

Outputs expected:

· Clear recommendations on which CSE guidance and curricula can be recommended for use by Plan in its programmes and why

· An overview of proven methodologies and pedagogical approaches to implementing and promoting the use of CSE that could serve as a potential programme model for Plan

· An outline for a conceptual framework for CSE that builds upon our existing programme guidance (CCCD & the outcome model for SRHR, our emerging definition for life skills, global child protection and education strategies).

The report should consider which modules and messages are essential and/or desirable within CSE, and how those are applicable to different health and social issues within local settings. As a global organisation, Plan must consider how approaches should differ in different settings, and what evidence exists in terms of proven programme models (including Programme H&M, It’s all one, IPPF, Stepping Stones, Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe, UNFPA Operational Guidance for CSE, UNESCO International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education etc). The report should acknowledge differences in programme approach required in humanitarian settings. The recommendations should summarise and hyperlink to relevant external guidance documentation cited.

The expected results would be a written report with clear analysis and recommendations for Plan UK, developed with broader sector feedback and in consultation with the Plan International SRHR Global Reference Group.

Duration (including timeline)

The work is expected to take approximately 18 days for desk review, interviews (in person and through skype), analysis, feedback meeting and preparation of final report. This includes:

· 1 day – development of methodology and analytical framework

· 2 days – internal meetings and review of Plan background documents

· 6 days – review of global CSE guidance and CSE programme models, calls with key stakeholders

· 1 day – calls with Plan stakeholders

· 4 days – drafting initial report

· 2 days – organising consultation on report

· 2 days – responding to feedback and finalising report

Work plan

To be defined with the consultant. Work to be completed by 25 March 2016.

Specific tasks and responsibilities

· Defined research questions/methodology

· Analysis of existing data and literature review

· Stakeholder interviews

· Online consultation meeting with Plan UK SRHR Global Reference Group and other relevant Plan International staff

· Analysis and writing up report

Reporting line

· Reporting directly to the Adolescent SRHR Advisor at Plan UK

· Expected to work from home with occasional travel to Plan UK offices in London for relevant meetings


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